Friday, January 8, 2010 can do it!

I have to keep telling myself that, "I can do it," because working out is, well, not one of my favorite things to do! The other problem I have is eating. I like to eat. I've always liked to eat. I am a picky eater, so that means healthy stuff is usually yucky to me.

I ordered Tony P90X for Christmas and we started it two days ago. It is a challenging routine, but I have to say that is has been fun. Tony goes through my workout helping me when I need it, giving me a high five when I complete a hard task, and making sure that I have all the encouragement in the world. He has been amazing. Pretty much every year I have the same new year's resolution and that is to lose weight. I would post before pictures, but I have to say that I'm just too ashamed of what I've let happen to me.

So, once again my resolution is to lose weight. Not just because I want to look good, but I want to feel good and be healthy. I feel like this year is a little different. I feel like I have actually committed. I have joined the biggest loser at school for more motivation.

Hopefully in 87 days I will be able give you some results!

1 comment:

  1. I think you look beautiful the way you are, but I totally understand the feeling of wanting to be in shape. We've had these DVDs for about 6 months, and I've managed to do them THREE times! LOL LOL Maybe I'll get motivated after seeing your success!!! Good luck!
